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Hello, folks!

My name is TuÄŸrul Dölen and I'm from Turkey. I'm a 21-year-old junior student in the department of English Language Teaching (ELT) at Marmara University. The blog that I have created will be about an introductory post about myself and 21st-century learning with technology integrated into it along with emerging AI and VR/AR technologies. 

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My Story! 

I was born on the 3rd of November, 2002 at Gazi University Hospitals, at 11 am. That's where my life journey began in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. My dad was a police officer and that's why we were moving from one city to another a lot. As a result, have begun to elementary school and finished high school in Denizli, comprising 13-year duration. My education life, friendships, happy moments, and down moments were there. Life can change after all and I now live in Gebze, Kocaeli with my family. We moved here due to my educational life. Anyway, I have a brother and a sister, whose profession is biology teacher. That means we'll be colleagues after I have graduated. I'm contented with it because I love teaching English and love my prospective job. Well, that's all I can say for now :) Then, let the blog begin, folks! Stay safe!

Contact Me!

I'm always looking for genuine and constructive comments and ideas to create a blog. Let's connect!

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